Because of the preparation of a guided tour around Leuvens’ dance palaces of the past I needed to dive in my beloved archives again. The tour will take place on the 21th of December and is part of a larger event in our local Cultural Center, celebrating the 10 years aniversarry of folkband Naragonia. Because …
Lessons at the university
This post is just to mention that I gave my first hearing college today at University of Ghent. By mere chance I had the luck to present my course in the same auditorium where 20 years ago I received my first tutoring in the History of Arts myself. Just happy now.
Ballroom Saint-Cecilia
Regular followers of this blog of course know this: I rather frequently display some of my love for ancient ballrooms here. To begin with, there aren’t so many of them left. And that counts for most countries I visited recently, not only for Belgium. Somewhere in the past, I started to accept that fact. A …
Work in progress: translating older posts
This blog exists four years now and in the course of time I published quite some texts. From the beginning of this year I started blogging in English as well and of course it was undoable to offer every old post from day one in both languages. Therefor I decided to translate only the relevant …